one woman's journey to wholeness…

Archive for the ‘awakened ones’ Category

Tapping Into The Power Source…

It is Time for humanity to wake up and align itself with the SOURCE of ALL POWER

This is not found in the Teachings of one’s Culture

But accessed in the Silence of one’s Heart

Toni Roberts

For Those In The Process Of Awakening…

Daughters of Gaia – Collage/Photograph by Toni Roberts

Those learning to feel safe in a world gone berserk

Those unclenchingletting go…releasing..

Those learning to trust in that which one cannot seetastetouch…or hear

Those learning to have Faith in that which defies the rational mind

Know that it is all PROCESS…this AWAKENING…this coming to recognize what is REAL…and what is but humanmade

This recognition of this three-dimensional reality…this world of glitzglamourhunger and nothing more thanPRODUCT…manufactured by the Collective Imagination of Humanity

Be easy on yourself…


Take time to be still

Be gentle with yourself as you gain the Vision of  a heretofore hidden WORLD…

That gives birthto this physical one…you once believed so real


Know that you are not CRAZY

You are finally AWAKENING from a lifetime of slumber


Ase and Goddess bless. 

Toni Roberts

“Be Still And Know…”

Creation – Collage/Pencil Drawing/Photograph by Toni Roberts

It is no accident that so many of us are now “WOKE”…or being rapidly awakened 

For it is these very “pandemic” times for which the awakened ones came…

Now…more than ever before…it is imperative that we learn to be still

 Now is the Time to restrain those insistent urges and impulses to do somethingAnything

 Now is not the Time for action…but for being still…for listening within for instructions on how to move forward 

Now is the Time for allowing the underlying…CreativeLife Sustaining ENERGY to move one’s Being into timely Right Action…into Divinely-led Doing

 These “pandemicTimes are for enduring

For staying connected to the Source of all Life…despite whatever may be happening in the world 

It is Time for those who know who they are

To simply “Be still

And know…”


 Așe and Goddess bless…

Toni Roberts